Power Automate

Power Automate

Power Automate belongs to the Microsoft Power Platform and it is a tool which allows us to automate any task, to automate workflow processes. This is cloud service (SaaS) to interact with different systems built for Business users

Core elements –

  • Triggers: This is the start which is required for a flow to initiate.
  • Actions: Once the flow gets triggered, a workflow is defined for a certain action to be followed.
  • Connectors: Workflow requires connecting to different services or systems such as Mail server, Relational Databases, PowerApps etc. to complete. Connectors help in interacting with such services.

Products and Features –

  1. AI Builder:
  2. Helps to add AI to Flow without writing a single code using templates and various pre-built components in a flow.
  3. Increases efficiency within organization by using AI models such as prediction, form processing, object detection, category classification, and entity extraction via a simple, intuitive interface.


  1. Robotic Process Automation

To focus on more important tasks, it is possible to train robotic process automation (RPA) software where bots can be built up to perform the repetitive, manual tasks. RPA is further classified as –

  1. Attended RPA: Performing more high-value work by automating boring, repetitive tasks like front-office activities. With attended RPA, humans initiate tasks or respond to specific prompts like providing a yes/no response can be achieved.
  2. Unattended RPA: Software bot handles the tedious, menial work for you by recording and playing back actions without the need for anyone to be at their computer.


  1. Power Virtual Agents

The Power Virtual Agent is another pillar of Microsoft Power Platform Ecosystem which provides exceptional support to customers and employees with AI-driven virtual agents. It is a software using scripted rules and AI tools to provide automated services. Can be created easily and maintain bots with a no-code interface.

Virtual agents are most used by organizations in their customer service functions to answer routine customer queries, fulfil standard requests and/or handle simple problems. For example, virtual agents are often used for initial customer interactions with call centres or click-to-chat features on websites.


For detailed pricing for all the components follow Power Automate pricing